" Now I will break their yoke from your neck and tear your shackles away " (Nahum 1:7, 13)
The rising generation of Philadelphia Church Villivakkam, celebrated their annual youth treat on October 2nd 2009. The time spent in organizing this event were filled with tremendous team work. selfless efforts and high levels of expectation.
And the treat by itself, was an opportunity of immense learning and self evaluation. For those, who submitted themselves to the lessons taught, this event was truly a yoke breaker.
YokeBreaker 2009 was a spiritual celebration without any extravagant frills and mass attracting entertainment bombs. It was focused on God's purposes, real, relevant and fun.
Yokes are not fastened on to our lives with a loud noise. They attach themselves very silently through the choices that we make and through the way we respond to issues in our every day relationships .
YokeBreaker was an eye opener, a heart talk, and the Master's voice in each of these areas. A sincere effort to apply the lessons taught gives way for a supernatural explosion that sets us completely free.
(Please click on each session, to read an excerpt of the message heard.)
Session 1: The power of Revelation.
Session 2: Honoring Parents
Session 3: Exploring Sexuality as God created it.
Each session had a generous amount of time allocated to ask questions relevant to practical concerns in our own lives. The answers given were something that called for immediate attention and application.
We worshiped, laughed, jumped, cheered, fought for scores, made new friends and ate scrumptious food.
And the event came to an end, with a united cry for the new anointing of the Holy Spirit in each of our lives. The Spirit of God enveloped the place with His sweet embrace, transforming the hearts and minds of everyone who prayed the prayer of submission. All the lessons learned throughout the day, were reinforced by the Holy Spirit, moving us to the next level of spiritual, physical and emotional progress.
YokeBreaker 2009 broke the yokes of some, prepared the soil for some, sowed the seed in some, and reaped a harvest in some. And more than anything, YokeBreaker 2009 fulfilled God's agenda in the life of each participant.
Visit My Master's Voice for an excerpt of each of the session.
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